LED Parking Lot Lighting, High Reach Bucket Services for Signs.
Service for Parking Lot Lights.
LED Lights, HID Conversions, High Reach Exterior Lighting Services.
Bucket Truck Services for Routine Maintenance Repairs for Philly Areas

Parking Lot Light Poles and LED Upgrades.

Experts for Parking Lot Lighting, Poles & Signs.

We offer more LED Lighting Options than Anyone!
Factory Equipment and Machine Troubleshooting and Repair

Parking Lot Lighting
Service Entrance Utility Power and Circuit Distribution
High Bay, High Reach Lighting for the Workplace
Electric Vehicle Chargers
Data Line Installers
Dock Safety Signaling
Big Ass Fans Supplied and Installed
Ventilation Equipment Rooftop Exhaust Fans and Dock Cooling Fans
Surveillance Cameras 24 Hour Monitoring
Motors & Motor Controls
Gas Detection Systems
HV Building Transformers
Motorized Gates, Slide Gates, Cantilever & Barrier Arms
Heated Driveways and Walkways
Preventive Maintenance for Electrical Equipment.
Safety Inspections and Safety Equipment
24 Hour Emergency Services
Buss Duct, Buss Bar Fabrications
2' X 4' and 2' X 2' Acoustical Ceilings
Gatehouse Shelter / Security Station Equipment
Sports Field and Playground Lighting
Lighted Signage Services
3-Phase / 2-Phase Converters
Auditorium Lighting
Construction and Renovations
Mechanicals, Pumps, Pipework and Factory Air
Industrial Power Inverter
Underground Power
Heat Trace Installations
Tenant Fit-Out and Rental Space Upgrades
Facility Line Painting
Facility Maintenance
Trouble Finding for broken circuits below the ground.
Parking Lot Lighting:  Re-Leveling and Re-Securing for leaning poles
LED Conversions for Parking Lot Lighting Heads
AND . . Quick Response for damages
Wide Variety of Poles and Foundations.
We handle the entire situation damages - 24/7 Emergency Response. 
1. Travel, Lift & Test:  add $265.00 one time charge for initial high reach service.   Urgent Service - add; $100.00.
2. Service per Fixture:    add  $55.00 at each location.
3. Components Replaced - LABOR:  per Fixture: add for Lamp $10., Lamp Shell $27., Ballast $75., Photo Cell $30.
4. Components Replaced - COSTS:   add cost plus 20% for Lamps, Lamp Sockets, Ballasts, Photo Cells, Other.
5. LED Conversions - Based on wattage. Component Replacements, OUR STOCK:   add cost plus 20% for Lamp/Driver(s).
6. Circuit diagnostics, Wiring repairs, water-entrance problems, trouble shooting:   add $100.00 per hour.
7. Commercial Signage Services:   add $455.00 minimum to open or service any lighted sign.
8. Auto damages / Hazardous Conditions:   Emergency Service $450.00  for removal, safety and clean-up services.
9. NOTES:   Distance / Miles; added travel costs apply.    Minimum Service $485.00.


  We Help You Better.
Nothing beats our single document with scanned-in sketches, photos, diagrams, quotes and notes giving you all the info needed at a glance.  We also add: Pricing of materials, fixtures, equipment and labor by the trade professionals.